Monday, March 15, 2010

Amazing Kiddo

Going to the memorial service has really made me ponder some things. All the way back to Reno yesterday I was deep in thought. In fact, I was going to blog about some of the stuff but don't usually enjoy blogging about "heavy" stuff so alas I will blog about my favorite subject: our lil cowboy!
He came down with a cold early last week and has been running a fever off and on since then. After our dr visit on Thursday, I was hoping we'd be done with the dr until his 9 month check up in a few weeks (9 months already???). But, I was wrong. Over the weekend he had a nose bleed and continued to run a fever off and on. So, today I broke down and called our pediatrician. After examining him he said it's the worse case scenario: he has a cold. There's nothing that can be done that we're not already doing. It just has to run its course. (Poor snot-nosed baby!) Both his dr and nurse made comments about how happy he is despite having a cold.
After the dr visit we had to go get his blood drawn for the periodic check to make sure the medicine isn't messing with his system. We went to a new place to avoid the wait and the phlebotomist didn't want to draw his blood for fear of making him cry. I told her that he didn't usually cry and he proved me RIGHT! He just sat there and smiled at both ladies until it was over......then he cried when I put him back in the stroller.
We came home and, despite his morning, he played and talked and pet Holly. I really do fear having a second child because he has spoiled us with being so perfect. He is one amazing kiddo, a tough lil cowboy!!

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