Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Preston's Latest

Yesterday I took Preston took a music class to preview it. He was not a fan! He sat there and chomped on a maraca the entire time. He didn't even want to play with his little friend, Evan, and he always wants to crawl after him. After the class and visiting Rob at work we went to Walmart. He was so excited to sit in the cart, getting attention from the old ladies. On the way out to the car he started laughing when we went over the "bumps". I found it ironic because he used to scream every time we went to Walmart. I used to dread going there and avoided it at all costs when he was a newborn because Preston hated it. Now he laughs and squeals while we're there.
Another latest with Preston is that he seems to believe that the early bird gets the worm. He now likes to wake before the sun comes up, which started when we went to Elko. Last night I tried to keep him up later because he had taken a late nap but he made it 5 minutes before his bedtime before falling asleep in my arms. So, the past few mornings he's woken up around 5:30 and I bring him to bed with me. He lays there, kicking me and clawing at my face until he falls back to sleep. I'm hoping that Daylight Savings will help cure this problem because I've actually been sleeping good the past few nights. Luckily, he only breaks his routine for a week or so and then things go back to normal.
Well, I'd write more but it's off to Walmart we go......

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