Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3 Blessings

Looking back on my blogs, it seems like all I've done the past couple days is complain. Yes, I use this website to vent. And yes, I use it to stand on my soapbox. But, I also use it to tell of the good in our lives. So that's what I'll do in this blog. I'm always blessed but this week has been especially good! On Monday I got 2 materialistic blessings. I had received a little money for taking a district class awhile back. Since I'm a bookworm and have no place else to store all my books I decided to use the money to buy me a Kindle. I still have a few hard copy books that I want to read before ordering anything on my Kindle but I'm very excited that I can have over 3000 books in one small machine! The other blessing was that P won a photo contest!! I was getting discouraged with photo contests because he has been close to winning a few times but never quite the winner (although he is in our book). However, I entered a pic I had taken of him in MS just for fun. The photographer said that only 2 entries were submitted. So, by default, we won almost $500 worth of free photos and a 2 hr photo session!! I'm stoked that he'll be able to get his 2 year pics taken for FREE! Speaking of P, he'll be the blessing I end with. He's worth more than all the riches in the world so he's the biggest blessing I can imagine. The poor guy has yet another ear infection yet you can't tell. He wakes up happy. He goes to bed happy. He just goes about his day like it's no big deal. I know from experience that ear infections are not fun as an adult so I can't imagine how he must feel. But, even his daycare teacher commented today that she wouldn't have known he was sick if I hadn't mentioned anything. He is the best kiddo in the world and we are blessed beyond belief that he's ours!!

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