Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Special Time

I love my time with P but some times are more special than others. On days I don't work, I like our early mornings together. We eat breakfast and he talks to me in his sleepy voice. Then I make a cup of coffee and we have our cuddle time while we watch the "Today Show" or a few minutes of Thomas. Another favorite time with him is when I pick him up from daycare. He starts talking the minute I walk into his class and proceeds to talk my ear off all the way home. Sometimes I turn on his praise CD and he dances and talks while I sing. Sometimes we play games on the way home. But, my hands-down favorite time with him is right before bed. We have a night time routine down that is special to me. After he gives his Daddy a night-night kiss he brushes his teeth. Then we go to his room and he picks a few books. He sits on my lap and snuggles with me while I read to him. I love the books he chooses (for the most part), seeing his favorites for the week, how he points out favorite parts of the books, the dogs laying by me. Once I've read a few books I hold him in my arms and say his bedtime prayers. He lays his little head on my shoulder when I say "Amen" and ends my day with a wonderful hug. It's a very special time for me every night and I'm so thankful to make those memories with my special lil man!