Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mr. Sandman

If you have the misfortune of dealing with insomnia then you'll be able to relate to my story. My insomnia kicked in about 2 years ago. It started when I was pregnant and couldn't get comfortable at night. I thought, "Once P is born I'll be able to sleep". Ah, what misguided optimism! Once he was born I was awake several times a night, nursing him or trying to get him to go back to sleep. I thought, "Once he starts sleeping through the night I'll be able to as well." Wrong again! He started sleeping through the night at 5-6 months but I laid awake, worrying about P's health or finances. Now, over a year later, P is healthy (for the most part) and our finances are more secure. Yet, I usually get one decent night's sleep a week. This week our dumb LWBC book has been interrupting my sleep. I have no problem falling asleep because I'm absolutely exhausted by the time my head hits the pillow each night. But staying asleep is a whole new ballgame. This week I've been reading my Book Club book before going to sleep and then I dream about Chinese people doing weird things, just like in the book. Last night I finished the book and read a magazine in hopes that'd help. I can't remember weird dreams but then again I don't think I was asleep long enough to dream. I'm not a cuddler once I'm ready to sleep. However, Rob kept ending up on my side of the bed last night. Then I couldn't get comfortable... too hot, too cold, etc. I'd like to say I used that time to solve the world's problems but I was too tired to even worry (a rarity for me!). So, now I've been awake for quite some time and I have to officially get my day started. It's a work day for me, which is not good considering I'm going to have yet another "zombie day". But, my students have gotten used to it and help me the best they can. I just wish I got used to it......or I wish that I actually slept more than one night a week. Oh Mr. Sandman.....

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