Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Only a Day

It's only been a day since the last time I blogged? It seems like a lifetime ago! Writing is my therapy. When I'm overwhelmed or have a heavy heart writing helps. Our computer is on its last leg and I almost had a panic attack thinking about not being able to blog. (Yes, I'm aware I have issues!). That being said, let me start my blog for today.......

Isaiah 41:10. That's a verse that has been on my heart the past several days. It's the verse my brother (in law) texted me when P was in the hospital, so sick. It's a verse I've referred to often, one that I've shared with others. Lately it seems to be my power verse. One of my good friends just found out her dad has Alzheimer's. Although the family saw it coming, having it confirmed by a MRI is a whole different story. I shared the verse with her. As I mentioned in a previous blog, a college friend found out that her daughter has cancer. I shared the verse with her. On a smaller, but not less important scale, P has been struggling with yet another ear infection. His pediatrician said 3 in 3 months was enough to raise red flags. One more and our lil man will be getting tubes. Not that I'm worried about tubes but I'm nervous about his lil body going through yet another medical procedure! I used that verse for me. Rob and I are both dealing with uncertainty in our jobs. He's bidding for a management position. I'm hoping just to keep my perfect job next year. Once again I used that verse for me. God is good and no matter what our concerns are, He's there and His Will will be done. Until then, that verse gives me strength as it did almost 2 years ago.

*** If you do not see any blogs from either of us for awhile, you know our computer died and went to computer heaven. :) Until then.....I'll keep my thoughts bottled up so I can share them with you on a new computer one of these days in the near future!


Kimberly June said...

Lamentations 3:22-24

He is faithful. Hope your computer lives on!

Mom said...

I know if she were here, Mrs. Jetton would say an "amen" to that. Keep the faith; all will be well. Mom