Saturday, March 12, 2011

Power of the Train

My apologies in advance. Our computer died and I'm using my phone to blog. I love that we get internet on our phones at the house but it's frustrating because I make a lot of spelling mistakes with my new phone. I can't proofread so you get what you get. Anyway, I'm going through all this trouble of blogging because our son's new obessesion is funny to me and I had to share. At Christmas time I took him on the local Santa train and he loved it! Ever since then he's been into trains. As you know I'm not in TV for me or p, but sometimes I give in. P isn't much into cartoons but whenever I found Thomas the Train he'd watch it. He's been getting sick lately and when he does my parents send him a small get well package. The first time it was a Thomas video and you would've thought they gave him a pony. He was so excited that he quickly taught himself how to get to-and use-the DVD player. Every morning the first thing he wants to do is watch his choo-choo movie. I let him watch about 10 mind and he thinks it's the greatest ever. Well, this week he got another ear infection. Today when we got the mail there was a package from grandma and BobBob. I opened it and much to P's delight there was a new set of Thomas PJs. He started laughing and clapping his hands. He wanted to hold them all the way home. When we got to the house he wanted to put them on, despite the fact that it was mid afternoon. The clencher for me was bath time. He loves his baths! But tonight, after a few minutes of being UN the tub, he was done cause he wanted to wear his train PJs again. Today I think his train obsession is cute. Tomorrow when he refuses to get out of his PJs it may be a different story

1 comment:

Betty Townsend said...

Thankfully Gerry and I both have laptops. Mine died Friday morning and Gerry's been letting me use his laptop. He brought it out to the breakfast bar so we can both use it. I used my phone to do some stuff and it wasn't very easy even with having a pull out keyboard. Terrible how we become so dependent on some things like computers. :)