Sunday, March 20, 2011

Life Lesson

I learned today that it's highly unlikely that I will ever be agoraphobic or a morbidly obese couch potato. This sitting at home all day is for the birds! There are a few days out of the year that I think, "Ah, it'd be nice to take P to daycare and just lay in bed all day, vegging in front of the TV or reading." However, days like today, make me realize that that's a crazy ambition that doesn't work for this gal.
We woke up to snow and are ending the day with the same. I didn't leave the house at all. I didn't go to church, didn't get my new vacuum (My hubby has a personal vendetta against vacuum cleaners and breaks them every time he vacuums....which, luckily, isn't too often) and didn't go to a baby shower this evening. I sat at home all day. Actually, I took Ruby for a couple short walks to get some fresh air and to train her. I also took P "horse hunting" because he was going stir crazy as well. After all, he is his mama's son!
Days like today make me go crazy! I get agitated and NEED fresh air. I'm thankful that I'm an active person and enjoy living life. Watching the snow fall all day long is something that I enjoy....if it's by choice and I can still leave the house. Tomorrow's a new day and I've already promised P that we'll get out of the house at some point to be around other people, see the world and get fresh air.

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