Friday, March 11, 2011

One of Those Days

Ever have one of those days that'll go down in the books because it was fun from beginning to end? That's how today was for me. P woke up early so after he ate breakfast he watched his "choo-choo" video while I leisurely got ready for work. It was "Hat Day" so I didn't even have to worry about doing my hair, always a plus. The school day was a lot of fun! During a presentation, the kids made paper from scratch, which was fun to watch. Then this afternoon we made Silly Putty from scratch. As a kid I loved playing with the stuff but I never knew how easy it was to make. The kids enjoyed the experiment and enjoyed the fact that they got to take it home even more! I was caught up on work, report cards and lesson plans so I was able to leave a couple minutes earlier than planned, which means I got to get to P a few minutes early. On the way home we went "horse hunting". We only found a few horses but I cherish those moments together. When we got home, Rob was already here and the TV was on. It was too nice of an evening to be inside, especially since P and I had been cooped up all day. So he and I went and played in mud puddles. P was covered from head to toe in mud...and I DIDN'T have the camera. He thoroughly enjoyed being "all boy" and running through the puddles, throwing rocks in the muddles and sloshing through the puddles. Now we're settled in for the evening. P will be going to bed in a few minutes and I'll be starting a new book. Oh, how I loved today!

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