Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

If you read my blogs or are "friends" with me on FB you are well aware of the fact that I survive on limited sleep. If you would've told me 5 years ago that I would function with 4-5 hours of sleep under my belt on a regular basis I would've laughed. Sleep is one of my favorite things in life! Last night I was finally able to fully enjoy my favorite thing....a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Rob isn't feeling well so he slept on the couch to keep from disturbing my sleep with his coughing. This worked out perfect for me because when P woke up at 4am wide eyed and bushy tailed, Rob was ready for him. He kept him quiet enough for me to sleep until 7:15! I don't remember the last time I've slept that late without being woken up several times throughout the night!! Then after church we put P down for his nap. Rob and I both laid down, ready for a nap ourselves. Shortly after I fell asleep I heard a loud thud. I jumped up and went to P's room but I didn't hear anything so I figured I had imagined it and went back to sleep. An hour later I was rested enough to wake up. I thought I heard noise coming from P's room so I stood outside the door. When I heard him playing I opened the door. I'm pretty sure he never napped because it looked like a hurricane had hit his room! I confirmed this later when we were on our way to the Marina and he fell asleep in Rob's truck. I'm hoping that, after getting such a good night's sleep last night and P hardly sleeping the past 24 hours, I'll be able to enjoy another night of my favorite pastime...zzzzzzz!

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