Around Christmas Preston decided that giving wet, slobbery kisses was fun. Now it's become a daily affair. He loves kissing Rob on his cheek and for some reason he likes kissing my chin. Every time I pick him up after changing his diaper he wraps his arms around my neck and kisses my chin as if to say, "Thanks mom." If we ask him for a kiss he won't do it but if we make the kissing noises he gets a huge smile on his face and practically head butts us to give us the biggest, wettest kiss he can. By the time he's done kissing our faces we're covered in baby saliva but it's so worth it!
In return he likes being kissed. A few days ago I started a game with him where I kiss him all over his neck, telling him I'm going to get all his kisses. He giggles and keeps putting his head back, exposing his neck for me to kiss. We can play that game for "hours" without him getting bored. I tell ya- our lil man is growing up WAY TOO fast!!! But, the kisses are my new favorite thing....something I'll never get tired of.
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