Sunday, January 3, 2010

The past 6 months

Today Preston celebrated his half birthday by being dedicated to the church in a beautiful ceremony. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the first 6 months of his life. On the way home from church I was thinking about the past 6 months and how ours lives have been changed and so very blessed. We went from Preston being extremely sick and hospitalized to his virus being a part of daily life now with no recurrances (PTL!). We had to hold his little head up for quite a few weeks after he was born because he was so fragile. Now he loves to sit and stand as much as possible, even bouncing quite a bit. For the first four months we worried about his weight. Now he's growing like a weed! At one point he didn't know his voice existed. Now he uses it often, knowing he can communicate this needs and wants. He's learned his voice will get results- laughter, smiles, being picked up, comforted.... We've endured his first double ear infection and sets of vaccinations and bloodwork. We're dealing with teething and him starting to roll over all the time. He's becoming a little man, our amazing "Mr. Personality". Rob and I joke that pretty soon he'll be asking to take the car on a date, but one day that joke will become a reality. It seems time is going by too fast with our lil guy! If only we could stop it and enjoy every second that much longer........

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