Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Yesterday Rob got home, ate dinner and was in bed by 6pm. I was worn out from not getting much sleep the night before and Preston was cranky because he decided not to nap yesterday (Probably because he had his 6 mo check up and found out he's such a big boy.....25% for weight and 90% for height). The combination wasn't a good one so I was doing what I could to survive until bedtime. The trick ended up being a mother/son bath. It was our first and he had a BLAST! He was splashing,squealing and throwing his toys around. He started crying when he turned into a prune and I decided we had had enough. He would've spent the whole night in the tub! Wearing himself out in the tub turned him into Sleeping Beauty. He went to bed around 8:15 after crying it out (I am trying not to hold him as much because this is the age where I'm told they can start getting spoiled with being held too much). Once he fell asleep he slept until 7:15 this morning without really waking. He cried once at 3am but before I could get to him he was already back to sleep. When I went to check on him this morning he had his little butt in the air and was sound asleep. I watched him for a few minutes and was amused, watching him roll around (always ending with his butt back in the air), rubbing his eyes and giving deep sighs. Finally Sleeping Beauty awoke and decided he was the "Milk" Monster, wanting to devour the huge bottle that awaited him. Like our pediatrician said, "He's growing like a weed!" Guess the sleep and food thing is working for our lil man!!

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