Friday, January 29, 2010

Making the Switch

Today I decided to take the plunge and change out Preston's car seat to the new, "big boy" one. He was getting too long for his other one and our pediatrician had recommended that we change it sooner rather than later for safety reasons. So, while he was napping this morning, I put the new one in. Once he woke up we went down the hill to run errands. At first he didn't like the new seat but I just chalked it up to him being fussy today. As the day went on he seemed to like it more and I liked it less. It's big and bulky so I couldn't get to him to help him with his paci or bottle. Then when I went to the store he wasn't sturdy enough to sit in the cart and fell forward. I put him in the Baby Bjorn, which ended up being uncomfortable on my back by the time I was done. I met a friend for coffee and Preston was being such a wiggle worm because he was tired so we took turns passing him back and forth. Had he been in his other car seat we could've propped him up in a chair and he would've gone to sleep. By the end of the day I just decided to make my last stop to the grocery store a quick one, getting the bare essentials. I actually took the stroller in to use as my cart. By the time I got what I needed Preston had fallen asleep in his stroller. When I took him out and put him in his car seat he woke up and was cranky again. I know he's growing up and change is inevitable but I don't think I'm ready for it quite yet.....(SIGH!)

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