Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad Day Gone Good

Yesterday I got an email from Bank of America about our home loan that we are trying to refinance. That email sent me into "Stress Out Mode" so I decided to go down the hill to get things done while the sun was out. The trip to Walmart went well. Preston talked to everyone, letting them know he was happy to be out of the house. Then we went to Winco and that wasn't so much fun. I kept forgetting things and then when I got in line the lady in front of me wanted a refund when the cashier was halfway through ringing me up. So, I had to wait while Preston tried to get out of the cart. From there we went to Papa Murphys, where I had forgotten my coupon. The lady wouldn't give me the discount and was kind of snotty about it. By the time I started back up the hill I was kind of grumpy. My mood quickly changed when I got the mail, though. I got a letter from the Children's Writing Institute stating that I'll most likely be published at some point this year, which put me over the moon. Then I got home and found out my offer for a BOB stroller got accepted and that made me really happy. To top it off, I got an email that we'll be getting back a little more from our tax return than originally thought. Fast forward to after dinner......Preston had us laughing so hard. He was playing and talking so much. When we tried to interact with him, he'd talk more....and LOUDER. He had us laughing up until he went to bed. So, my day didn't start out that great but by the time I went to sleep I had a huge smile on my face!

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