Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday- For Lack of a Better Title

We are thankful that Rob has a job, especially in this economy. But, I get selfish on the weekends and want him to have a couple days off to be with me and Preston. When he does work on the weekend I try to get together with friends to make the most of the day. We have been so busy that that hasn't happened recently. Today I was finally able to get together with two friends, one that has a son a couple months younger than Preston. We all met up at a Mexican restaurant and enjoyed a leisurely lunch. Of course Preston squealed the whole time, getting a lot of smiles and a few scowls. When we got ready to leave I heard a lady say, "I thought that was Preston's squeals". Apparently, Preston has made a name for himself because it was a Gymboree mom that was there with her family. (It's so nice that I'm getting to know people around town who have kids.) My friends and I left, making a mad dash through the rain to get to our cars. Preston and I were going to run a couple more errands and say hi to yet another friend but it was raining too hard so we came home. Once we got home it started snowing so I attempted to build a fire and turned on NASCAR. Now the sun is shining, Preston is sleeping and I'm looking forward to Rob getting home even though he's not feeling well. We'll get a few minutes of family time before I take off to meet a couple friends for dinner while Rob has "Daddy Duty". Not a perfect Saturday because Rob wasn't home all day, but a pretty good one never-the-less!

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