Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Even though Preston sleeps through the night and has been doing so for the last 6 weeks, I have yet to sleep through the night consistently. On top of not being able to sleep, I've been waking up with my back hurting. Rob has horrible back problems and has been waking up with his back hurting as well. So, I thought that, even though our mattress is only a couple years old, maybe it would do some good to sleep on a different one for awhile. Yesterday while Rob was at work, I swapped our mattress with one in one of the guest rooms, hoping that would help. Last night was our first night with the "new" mattress but neither of us noticed a change. Once again I didn't sleep and once again Rob woke up with a sore back. I guess playing Goldilocks didn't work as well as I had hoped. There's always tonight.....

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