Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's not a word I think a lot about because I am not afraid to die and I feel like I have several years to go before that's a common thought for me (I'd like to hope so anyway!). So, when someone I know dies it makes it that much harder for me. My mom teaches the elderly people at their church. Most of the time I like it because some of the people have become like surrogate grandparents to me over the years. But, sometimes it's hard. Tonight is one of those nights. My heart is heavy because one of the ladies suffered an aneurysm and didn't make it. We got closer through my pregnancy and Preston's life. She doted on him, constantly asking my mom every Sunday about him. When I'd be in town and take him to their church she was one that would "ooh" and "aah" over him again and again. She spoiled him with gifts and love. I wish there was a way to stop time long enough to tell people how much they mean to you before it's too late. At least I get comfort in knowing she's in a better place and isn't suffering.

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