Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not Much

Can't say there's much to report from the Herrington household. Tuesday Preston and I had a "Lounging Around" Day. It was gloomy and I wasn't feeling overly productive. Yesterday was a different story. The sun was out so Preston and I went for a long walk before running errands. When we got back I was able to get a lot done around the house in preparation for my friend coming to stay with us on Monday. On top of getting things done around the house, I also spent the day chasing after Mr. Rolly Polly. The best is when Preston rolled over to the fireplace. By the time I got him he was covered from head to toe in ashes (The next thing on my To Do list: sweep the fireplace area). The highlight of my day was when Rob got home because Rob is able to get belly laughs from Preston. We've been trying to video it but as soon as Preston sees the camera he stops laughing. But, last night we were able to get it on video. Now I have my favorite sound taped so I can listen to it for years to come! I topped off my productive night by going to our neighbor's for our book club. Rob and Preston had a "Boy's Night" while I hung out with the ladies. All in all, yesterday was way more fun and productive than the day before.

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