Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crawling, Sitting, Cheerios and Snow

Yesterday Rob and I shot our bows when we got home from Sacto. I didn't shoot for long because it was cold. As soon as I got in the house it started snowing and hasn't stopped. It's been snowing so much that we woke up to over a foot of the white stuff!
It was nice being bundled up, hanging out as a family. Rob and I got a kick out of Preston as always. I was in the kitchen and Rob got all excited because Preston had crawled a little. I came in to see it but by then he was just sitting there on all fours, smiling really big. He can now pull himself into a sitting position so he'll move to where he wants to go then sit up and play with his toys. All this moving around makes Preston hungry. Every day he takes 4 bottles, 2-3 jars of food, oatmeal, a few pieces of solid food and a couple small handfuls of Cheerios. It's funny to watch him eat Cheerios these days. He's working on fine motor skills so he doesn't quite grasp the concept of grabbing a Cheerio or two and putting it in his mouth. He pounds his highchair until he gets a few in his hand. Then he crams his fist into his mouth. Whenever there's food involved (even jarred baby food) he chews like he's really eating. So, after he gets his fist in his mouth he chews. That makes me think he's chewing Cheerios. But, when I pick him up all the Cheerios are in his highchair and all over his pants. He'll get it eventually but right now it's just funny to watch.
OK, off to get firewood so we can keep warm while the snow keeps falling.

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