Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Hallmark Day...a little early

Tomorrow is the most commercialized, overhyped, pointless my opinion of course. During my 34 years on this Earth there is only one Valentine's Day that stands out as being spectacular and that was when 2 guy FRIENDS planned a fun evening for me and 3 other female friends my graduate year. I think it's because it was a group of friends that made it so much fun. After that I realized that I'm not a fan of the "holiday". Some may say I'm cynical but I told Rob when we first met that I don't celebrate the Hallmark Holiday and here is why: There are 365 days to tell someone you love them so why do people focus on that ONE day to buy half dying flowers at twice the price, wait hours to eat at a restaurant that is too loud to have a conversation or use a HALLMARK card to tell someone something that you should be saying every day? Rob shows and tells me EVERY day that he loves me. He verbally tells me at least a dozen times a day. He shows me by waking up at 4:30am and working hard to provide for our family. He leaves me notes on Facebook, around the house or in my car telling me he loves me on a daily basis. He helps around the house or with Preston to give me a break. He surprises me with Snickers Ice Cream Bars (although I had to ask him to stop because my jeans are getting a little tight) or a CD that I had mentioned I wanted. He takes off work when I'm not feeling well to help me and Preston. We go on Date Night (with Preston of course) every Thursday. The first thing Rob does when he gets home from work is give me a kiss and ask me about my day. So, I don't understand why one day has to stand out from the rest if you truly love someone.
Now, don't get me wrong. It is a special day in our household. It is the weekend we celebrate NASCAR Opening Season. Our fancy meal consists of Papa Johns pizza and our gifts to each other is NASCAR themed. I love surprises so I have a couple small ones up my sleeve for our special day. To me, that's what I enjoy about the Hallmark Holiday everyone else knows as Valentine's Day. So, happy Hallmark Day or in our case NASCAR Opening Day.........DAYTONA BABY!!!!

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