Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fun Education

This evening, after a long day of fun, I'm thankful for my students and the learning that takes place in the classroom. This month we've really focused on Native Americans and Pilgrims, how life used to be. Today we had a culminating luncheon celebrating community. Some students made Native American head pieces to wear while others wore Pilgrim hats. The students made butter by hand and loved shaking the cream in baby food jars, seeing the transformation. They enjoyed doing "Pennsylvania Dutch Art" and asked if they could do that instead of playing in the snow! At the end of the day I was cleaning the room and was going to throw out 3 pieces of chart paper that had all the info we've been learning. A few students asked if they could have the papers instead of throwing them away. I asked how many students wanted one of the pieces of chart paper and all but 2 students raised their hands. We did a "Guess My Number" to "auction" them off. The 3 students were so happy to get the papers and the others groaned their disappointment. I love that the students enjoy learning so much! They are sponges and take it all in. To me, that's the greatest joy of teaching!

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