Friday, October 8, 2010

Picture Perfect

Today was one of those days that'll go down in the books as being a fabulous, picture perfect day. Because we have to pay for daycare even when I'm tracked off, I took P there. After dropping him off I came home and spent a couple hours really cleaning the house. It's been too long since I've felt it was clean. Rob had the day off due to a doctor's appt so he helped around the house. Afterwards he and I had a date to the movies. It's been almost a year since we've been to the movies so we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Once it was over we picked up P and took the scenic route home so P could see the cows (He moos more than he baaaaaas now). The best part of the drive was getting the mail! In our box was a package from my parents, in which they had sent something I'd been wanting for awhile but wouldn't splurge on: new Rainbow flip flops! The other GREAT thing was a letter from the court saying that the Worker's Comp stay had been denied. Upon talking to our attorney, we found out that there's a good chance that they will drop the claim altogether. WAHOO! Praise the Lord!!! Once we got home Rob hung out with P while I spent more time cleaning and getting calls made. Then I made baby back ribs and sweet potato casserole for dinner. After his bath, P wrestled with his daddy and the dogs. Now P is down and we're watching bull riding. Like I said, a picture perfect day indeed!!

1 comment:

Betty Townsend said... do you make your potato casserole? We love sweet potatoes...I bake them a lot like a baked potato