Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Day....kind of

Snow Days are a Catch-22. I hate the commute but I hate being cooped up in the house as much as P does. So, when I woke up this morning and found out the school district did not call a snow day I was kind of relieved......until I got on the road. I thought getting out of our driveway would be hard but that ended up being the easiest part of the entire commute. People that visit us think it'd be horrible to live up here in the Winter but as far as driving conditions go, it's much better than the valley. Once I made it down the hill and into the valley, I began my white knuckle driving. People are crazy drivers, not paying attention to the weather conditions. By the time I got P to daycare it had already been 45 mins (which is usually a 20 min drive). Then it was almost another 45 minutes to my school (usually a 15 min commute). I was never so happy to get to my destination because, in the 3 years that we've been here, I think this is the worst driving conditions I've endured. They were so bad, in fact, that my principal was trying to find a way to let me and a few other teachers leave early. But that didn't happen and the sun was out for my commute home. The worst part is that the weather conditions caused Rob to be at work tonight. He'll be home at some point to sleep for a few hours then he has to get back to work. He was supposed to have this weekend off and we were going to take P to the railroad museum. But now he'll work and P and I will hopefully be able to get out tomorrow to get some fresh air and be around others. Rumor has it that it's supposed to snow some more tonight then clear out for a few days. One could hope because, as much as I love the snow, it's nice to get a break from snow days once in awhile.

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