Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2: My Boys

Yesterday P and I had one of our rare lazy days where we literally sat around 90% of the day. I'm glad those days don't happen often but it was a nice change from what life has been like lately. That being said, it really gave me even more chance to appreciate my boys. Both boys were "interacting" with each other, making P and I laugh so hard. P would put his head on my belly and then E would kick or nudge it. Then P would tell him it wasn't ok to kick his big brother. That would get us laughing so hard. By the end of the day, probably because we'd been around each other non-stop, we were laughing over the dumbest things. Between the belly laughs, the story telling, the womb dance parties, etc it made me so thankful for my role as Mommy. Kids are such a gift from God and I'm thankful for the 2 that He has blessed us with!

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