Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Daay 25: God's Creation

There are a lot of things that fascinate me about God's creations- sunsets, animals, trees, oceans. Sometimes I think, "Why did God create that?" (Think mosquitos, snakes, fire ants....) And sometimes I think, "Wow! That's one of God's best creations!" (Think sunsets, puppies, ALL of my boys) Well, yesterday we went to the big zoo in NOLA. We had only been there once before when the boys were young...and it was miserably hot....so the boys didn't remember it. Yesterday was the perfect day to be there and we had so much fun! We were in awe of a small member of the cat family that the zoo featured at a Zoo Chat. We laughed hysterically at the monkeys and their crazy antics. We were mesmerized while watching the elephant and giraffes eat. More than once I thought, "Why would God think to put that animal into existence?" Or "Wow! God sure knew what He was doing when He created that animal." I am thankful that we got to enjoy a beautiful day at the zoo, admiring and learning about so many of God's creatures.

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