Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 29: Our Youngest

This guy is a miracle in a sense because I was struggling to get pregnant. It was our last attempt at getting pregnant and we figured that at some point we'd have to explain to P why he didn't have a younger sibling. Thankfully, I got a call from the doctor's office that I was in fact pregnant. Our youngest has been giving me a run for my money ever since. But you know? I wouldn't have it any other way! He is quick witted and has us laughing continually. He is strong willed and marches to the beat of his own drummer. He has taught me that there are other ways to deal with a situation because he is so stubborn. But, although he can be stubborn, he definitely sees things as black and white. He's quick to spout off the rules to anyone who is breaking them. He is our all American athlete and loves playing every sport he can. Not only does he play them but he dominates them when he put his mind to it. Just like his older brother he, too, loves music and wants to start taking piano lessons soon. He doesn't love reading but he still maintains straight A's without really trying. He enjoys doing homework even though it's not mandatory this year. He is like me and doesn't really like watching TV....unless it involves hunting, fishing or sitting on his daddy's lap to watch something. He is also a cuddlebug. But he wants it on his own terms. He constantly wants me to hold him when we're walking into a store and can't wrap his head around the fact that he's almost 7 and way too big to be carried. He acts tough but gets his feelings hurt easily or gets scared during a movie. He has struggled with sleeping since he was about a year old until recently when we got him a weighted blanket. Now he sleeps soundly and wakes up much happier. He is passionate about hunting and loves going to deer camp with Rob. There are few other places that he'd rather be than in a deer stand with his dad. He idolizes his older brother and does everything he can to get P's seal of approval. He is VERY quick to share anything and everything he has with his brother. He loves playing with him and gets his feelings hurt when his brother shuns him. He is an excellent eater and eats just about anything that is put in front of him. I love that he has such a diverse pallet. In fact, I love everything about him. I am thankful that the Lord created E to round out our family. I can't imagine life without him!

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