Friday, November 15, 2019

Day 15: Dates

Growing up, I loved my 1:1 time with my parents. Today, when I visit my parents, I cherish my mother/daughter lunch dates and my father/daughter The Habit hamburger dates. As parents, I find it is so important to have 1:1 time with each child. Just to listen and to talk, not to criticize or punish. A couple weeks ago I got to have a 1:1 afternoon with our youngest on his fieldtrip day. We spent the morning at the children's museum with his classmates. Then we came home and did art before we had to get P from school. Tonight I got to have a date with our oldest. He's been struggling this year with school. He's been grounded a lot and I feel like we're always fussing at him, always criticizing him, always telling him how he can improve (which sometimes seems like we're telling him how he can change to fit into society's little box). So our date was about him, I let him choose where we'd go to dinner. We tried a new sushi place. I let him direct the conversation, which was mostly about football. He talked a little about his problems at school and, together, we tried to solve them the best we could. After dinner he asked if we could rent a movie. Now he's been grounded from TV for the past few weeks. But I gave in to him tonight because I enjoy when grace is extended to me. I wanted to give him a special night, not one reminding him that he's grounded. We have enjoyed our evening together, just mother and son, that 1:1 time that I've always enjoyed as a child and now as a parent.
I also love my dates with Rob! Sadly, we don't get to go on dates as much as we'd like but it's nice when we get a babysitter, get dressed up and go out to enjoy a nice dinner as husband and wife. Last week we were fortunate to be able to go on a date...virtually for free. We had a business dinner to go to for Rob's company so we enjoyed fine dining with each other and a couple of Rob's co-workers. We have to be more intentional about going on dates because they are just as important, maybe more important, than my dates with the boys.
I am thankful for all of my dates with my boys. It's special time that I do not take for granted!

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