Saturday, November 16, 2019

Day 16: Voting

As an adult, I have come to understand and appreciate my right to vote. My right to have my voice heard. I enjoy when the elections come around because I feel like I can voice my opinion about how things are going in our parish, the state and the nation. This morning, after my photo shoot, P and I toured the state capital. I showed him the Senate and House of Representatives chambers. We discussed how bills are passed, how it's important to vote for someone who shares similar morals and political beliefs as you. Afterwards we stopped by the voting polls so I could vote for state officials. I had P come into the booth with me to show him how you cast a vote. He was very impressed. Then I let him have my "I Voted" which he wore with pride until it fell off. I am thankful that we have the freedom, right and privilege to voice our opinions in elections.

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