Sunday, November 10, 2019

Day 10: Kids and Their Friends

Today I was sitting at the dining room table, watching the boys play outside with their friends. Laughing, running around, a front yard full of boys playing football. Later I took E to a birthday party, in which a lot of his school friends had been invited. While there, I was talking to the mom of one of P's friends. We were talking about how thankful we were that our boys are friends. I looked around the party room and was immediately thankful for all of our boys' friends. They have friends at school, in the neighborhood and one or two at church. (I hope that increases soon.)
I love that the neighborhood boys feel comfortable enough to come and go as they please, treating our home as their own. I love that our boys' friends watch for our cars to come home, knowing that means the boys will be home to play. I love that our boys will play outside well after dark, trying to make the most of their time with their friends. I love that our boys' friends' moms treat our boys like their own!
I love that the boys get excited to go to school to see their friends. I love that their friends know me and say hello or give me a hug when I see them around school. I love that they feel comfortable talking to me even when the boys aren't around. I love that they challenge the boys academically.
Maybe next year I hope I will be able to say that I love that the boys have a lot of friends at church. In the meantime I will say that I am thankful for the friends our boys have. Our boys are blessed with great friends!

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