Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Day 5: New Days and Coffee

There hasn't been a day recently where I thought, "I want a do-over". But the nights are when I am thankful for new days....and good coffee. I usually average one good night of sleep a week. Sometimes it's every two weeks that I actually wake up feeling rested. Most nights I'm woken up by a nightmare (like last night) or Rob snoring or a leg cramp or E waking me up because of a nightmare or our neighbors' floodlight or having to go to the bathroom. Once I wake up I have a difficult time going back to sleep. Sometimes I get about 4 hours of sleep and I'm a 8+ hour a night sleeper. By the time morning shows its first light I am ready for the new day and a couple cups of coffee. I am thankful that the good Lord provides us with new days. It energizes me and makes me ready to go, despite my lack of sleep. I love drinking my coffee by the picture window, watching the morning wake up with birds singing, and reading my devotion. I used to love the nighttime but now I am so thankful for the new day, new beginning, new light....and a good cup of coffee.

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