Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful: Extra Edition

I was not looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. It's not my favorite holiday to begin with but I do love having people come to dinner to celebrate holidays together. This year it was only the 4 of us so I knew it'd be a quiet day. But, despite it being a small Thanksgiving, it was a great day. We started the day with a family game of football. The boys named it the Turkey Bowl- me and P against Rob and E. I thought it was going to be a blowout because I know very little about football. But the boys were patient with me and P and I only lost by a touchdown. (P encouraged me....and laughed at me...several time during the game.) After the football game, P and I went for a run to prepare for the 5k we'll be doing next weekend. The weather was so beautiful that I sat by the pool and read for awhile before we made dinner. We decided against turkey this year since E is the only one who really likes it. So Rob and I tag teamed making a nice, but small, meal together. I loved that no one cared that we used Christmas napkins or didn't drink our beverages out of glasses. No one cared that we combined Tupperware and fine china for our serving dishes. Everyone just enjoyed being together. After we cleared the table, I hit a few Black Friday sales. We closed out the day by me reading the book "Elf on the Shelf" to the boys, in preparation for our elf showing up in the morning. It was a great day, much better than I thought it'd be. It was the perfect combination of relaxing, family time and creating memories. I am thankful that we enjoyed the entire day together. Happy Thanksgiving to our friends and family!

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