Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Day 13: Enjoying Holidays

Can I be thankful and gripe all in the same blog when it's supposed to be THANKSgiving month? I guess since it's our blog I can do whatever I want. Today I am thankful for the history of holidays. I love what each holiday means and the memories it creates. That's why I get frustrated that so many people rush over one holiday to get to another. Yes, Christmas and Easter are the most important holidays because of what they mean to me as a Christian. But I don't want to skip one holiday to get to the other. If I'm being completely honest, Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday. This year more than ever because we won't be eating a big feast with family or friends. Since it'll just be the 4 of us there's no point in cooking a big meal (we're not big leftover fans). So we're going to have gumbo and call it good. I also don't get to do Black Friday shopping (my fav!) because Rob has to work and I can't wake them up early and take the boys to shop for their presents with me. But, that being said, it still doesn't mean that I want to skip it and go straight to Christmas. This year, more than any I can remember, it seems like everyone decorated for Christmas the day after Halloween. I don't get it. Why can't Americans enjoy the moment before rushing to the next one? It seems that's Americans' motto these days- Don't enjoy. Rush to the next moment in life. It's time to slow down and enjoy each day, and holiday, as it comes. For me, I am thankful for every holiday and what it means to my life, the memories that each holiday has created throughout my life.

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