Monday, November 4, 2019

Day 4: Helpful Husband

This season of life is busy. Between both of us working full time, football season, guitar lessons, finishing up the last of my photography sessions and everything in between we have little down time. So I am so thankful for a helping husband, someone who steps up when he has down time, someone to help around the house and with the boys. Yesterday he made sure P got to his guitar lesson and tonight got him to football practice. Today, on his day off, he did laundry and washed dishes. Little things like that mean so much to me. It was his first real day off in over a week and he could've spent the day sitting on the couch. But he didn't. Instead he made my life easier by bringing something to the school that I needed and doing things around the house that I would've had to do after a full day.
One of the characteristics that I looked for in a spouse was someone who would be a team player. I wanted someone who would be a partner in all aspects of married life and parenting. I am so thankful that I have found him.
P.S. He brings so much more to our marriage than just that but today I am extremely thankful that I have such a helping husband.

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