Sunday, November 17, 2019

Day 17: Devotions

My favorite part of the day is the morning. I particularly like lazy mornings, when I have time to enjoy a good cup of coffee and a hot bath. But, regardless, my favorite part of the morning is my devotions. I sit at our picture window with my coffee, my breakfast and my devotional, watching the day awake all around me. A couple years ago my parents bought me a devotional that I love. Sometimes, when the boys are arguing nonstop or I haven't slept well, my devotional is my saving grace. It calms me in the midst of tiredness or chaos. It brings things back into perspective. It reminds me to change my focus and spend a few minutes in prayer (which is usually about all I have). My quiet time, which is rarely quiet, is my favorite part of the day and I am so thankful that it has become part of my morning routine.

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