Thursday, November 14, 2019

Day 14: Co-Workers

As you probably know, co-workers can make or break your work environment. They can make your job enjoyable or miserable. Yes, there's always one or two that people struggle to like but that's par for the course. I have been blessed with great co-workers at so many of my jobs. This week I was thankful for my current co-workers. On Tuesday we tag teamed a situation that no one wanted to touch-literally or figuratively. (And by tag team, I mean I stood there and cheered my co-workers on.) Yesterday we encouraged each other through a rough observation. Today we laughed and enjoyed our students to the fullest.
We confide in each other. We vent to each other. We vent about each other. We encourage each other. We have each other's back. We laugh together. We are in it through thick and thin.
This year I am in a new teaching situation- I work hand in hand with 2 other teachers....and we all share the same classroom. It's had its challenges as you can imagine when you put 3 strong personalities in the same room. But we've also gotten to know each other. We've learned from each other (I think??). We've become friends in just a few short months of working together.
The teachers I share a classroom with and I are also blessed to share a bathroom (hello, pre-k!!!) with another set of wonderful, fun-loving teachers. I absolutely love the other pre-k teachers! We peek our head into each others' room to share a story or ask a question or pull a prank on each other.
I honestly look forward to going to work. I enjoy my co-workers. I enjoy the students and the overall school climate. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with this job and with wonderful co-workers, who make every day fun.
No we don't always dress like this. It was 80s theme day for Red Ribbon Week.

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