Friday, November 22, 2019

Day 22: Grace

It's been a long week. Not a bad week by any means. Just long days and sleepless nights. So tonight I am thankful that we're enjoying a relaxing family night. The boys and Rob have been playing video games and I'm catching up on my People magazines. It's wonderful just sitting around with nothing on the agenda.
That being said, I try to make a homecooked meal 5-6 nights a week. So I feel guilty that that hasn't been the case lately. Some nights we eat cereal. Some nights the boys eat Top Ramen or quesadillas. Tonight there was no reason I couldn't cook a nice homecooked meal. Rob was home by 6 and we didn't have to run off to football- the perfect night for a family meal at the dining room table. But I didn't have it in me. And everyone showed me grace, even when I failed to provide them a well balanced, homecooked meal. No one complained about eating cereal once again. No one guilt tripped me for not cooking dinner. Everyone graciously ate what was put in front of them without complaint.
It made me thankful that my family shows me grace when I fail to meet MY expectations as a mom and wife. They love me just the same whether I cook them a full meal or scramble up a bowl of cereal of $.25 noodles. That's unconditional love!

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