Saturday, June 4, 2011

Feeling Green

I've enjoyed the first few days of the 30 Day Photo Challenge...until today! Today was truly a challenge. I found plenty of green things to take pictures of to meet today's challenge but I couldn't get the pictures to turn out the way I wanted them to. It was the first day that I really wanted to use my dad's camera to capture what I visualized. I was trying to get the main subject focused and blur out the background. I asked my friend's husband to help me with this but he couldn't get the aperture settings on my camera to fix this problem. I would archive another photo but got called out by my friend for being honest about pulling ONE out of archives (Love you Kim) so I won't do that again. Here are the best from what I took today. Take it or leave it.....

We made a brief stop at the Cultural Museum in town to see the train.

P's tractor and our glorious out-of-control weeds :)

This birdhouse is a faded green but no matter how much I "tweeked" it I couldn't get the green more vibrant. (That's why I'm doing this challenge: to figure out the photography software)

1 comment:

Kimberly June said...

Love you too Jenny ;)

I chose P's tractor to include in the blog post....cuz it's adorable. When you get your dad's camera we need to plan a photo date!