Saturday, June 27, 2009

False Alarm

This morning I got sick to my stomach because my back contractions were really hurting. I also had a couple other symptoms, making me wonder if I was going into labor. So, I called the on call doctor and she advised me to come in. Rob was at work so I met him at the bottom of the hill so he could drive me the rest of the way to the hospital. When we got there, the nurse hooked me up to monitors and did some uncomfortable procedures. She thought I was going into labor immediately, but after the doctor came in and did the same procedures she said I wasn't as far along as the nurse thought. Since I am a little over 36 weeks the doctor didn't want to do anything to help aide the process. She really wants Preston to hold out until Thursday, when I'm 37 weeks, if at all possible. They watched me for awhile then wanted to take some blood because my blood pressure was high. I tried to inform them that it was due to Rob's crazy driving on the way to the hospital but they wanted to take every precaution. Sure enough, after a couple hours my blood pressure went back to normal but my contractions were not decreasing. They were about 5 minutes apart so they did another procedure. Once all the tests came back, the doctor told me everything was normal except for the contractions. So, she did an ultrasound to make sure my fluid levels were keeping Preston safe. Everything was good in that area as well so they continued to "observe" me. Four hours after arriving at the hospital my contractions subsided and they released me. As the nurse was going over information with me, she said that there was a chance we'd be back tonight. The whole experience just wore me out so I can only imagine how it will be when I actually go into labor. I came home and slept for a couple hours. Since waking up I haven't had any contractions that I'm aware of. I feel bad, though, because Rob was supposed to go to the rodeo with his buddy and I was supposed to have a Girls' Night with some of my friends. Instead we're going to have a mellow night together, getting out of our hot house and going to the movies.

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