Sunday, June 28, 2009

What a Good Guy

I know I am blessed to be married to Rob, but sometimes he just goes above and beyond, making me realize how good I have it being married to him. Yesterday was one of those days. I couldn't ask for a better, more caring, more protective, more supporting husband. He was so good about leaving work immediately to be by my side at the hospital. He held my hand during painful procedures, letting me squeeze his hand as hard as I needed to. He had me laughing when I wanted to cry. He wouldn't leave the hospital to get lunch, even though he hadn't eaten all day. Then, once we got home, he got overprotective of me. He kept the dogs out of the room and the TV volume down so I could take a nap. He kept asking if I was ok and/or needed anything once I woke up. He even gave up his plans with his friend in case I went into labor. Instead we went and watched "The Proposal", a funny movie that took my mind off everything for awhile. When we got ready for bed, he reminded me to wake him up if I even questioned whether everything was ok. The first thing he asked this morning was how I was feeling and if I needed anything. He is such a good guy, taking great care of me. I am so incredibly blessed to be married to my best friend, one who goes above and beyond when it counts the most!

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