Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rain?? Really????

OK, so I know I wrote a couple weeks ago that I'm loving the rain, but now I'm over it. It's the middle of June for crying out loud. You know....flip flops, shorts, tank tops. Instead I had to go buy a bigger long sleeved maternity top yesterday because we were going to a baseball game and I knew it'd be a little on the cold side. Somewhere around the 6th or 7th inning of the game it began to rain....again! It didn't rain hard and it didn't rain long but it's still the point that it rained- a cold rain- in June! This morning I woke up to more rain (and Duke yelping because he wanted out). It's been steady for the past half hour, which really bums me out because today Rob and I are going to Tahoe for our anniversary. He has something fun planned and I don't know if it's an outdoor or indoor thing. I pray that the rain stops and the sun miraciously starts shining so we can enjoy whatever he has planned for us. Either way, I am really excited to get away for one last time before lil Preston makes his debut!

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