Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hodge Podge News

This will be a random entry because it's about all of us. First...the BIG NEWS: If Duke makes it for one more hour until it's bedtime then he will have had his first day without an accident in the house. I can't tell you how happy that makes me! Potty training has been fairly easy with him, but it's still a pain to clean up every time. Second big news: I was awake most of the night last night due to contractions. They weren't consistent enough to wake Rob up but man did they hurt!!! I counted down minutes until his alarm went off. The SECOND it did I asked him to rub my lower back as hard as he could. Since I have not slept much in the past two nights due to cramping and contractions, sleep consumes my thoughts during the day. I force myself to make appointments and meet with friends so I don't stay in bed sleeping all day. I hope that the more I stay busy during the day the better I will sleep at night. As of the past couple days that theory has not proven true. Third big news: Rob has a messed up knee. He's been living with a torn meniscus and has fluid built up around the knee. The doctor drained the fluid today and gave him a cortisone shot. He also told him he'd need surgery so Rob is hoping to have it done in the Fall as his crew is starting a big job in Truckee next week. So, that is the big day of news in the Herrington household. It was so hot in the house tonight that Rob treated me to dinner out. Now we're having a relaxing night.....Rob watching "Flicka", me reading, Duke chasing a moth and Holly crashed out on her bed. I'm sure the horses are fine as well but that would take too much effort to get up and walk to the balcony to check. So, just take my word for it.

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