We are blessed to live in a beautiful area. I've never been one to think Reno is a pretty place but after moving to the Highlands I realized how beautiful it can be. Lately I've been noticing more and more beauty even in the valley.
Waking up early can have its perks. I get to sit here, enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to the many types of birds chirp in the trees right outside the window. Although I have learned that one type of bird has a really annoying song/chirp, the rest of the them blend together to create a beautiful morning song.
On the flip side, once the sun comes up it has to go down. I don't know which one I enjoy more: sunrise or sunset. The sunrises are filled with lots of yellow and orange while the sunsets glow in purples and pinks. You look at the pictures and decide which one you like best.
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