Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just Plain Obnoxious

98% of the time I love having a puppy. This is currently the 2% I don't enjoy. I, unsuccessfully, tried to bring Duke back to bed with me this morning so I could get a few more ZZZZZZs. He had got in trouble last night with Rob so he went to bed early (his choice). Well, since he got so much sleep he is wound higher than a kite this morning! I finally gave up cuddling with him and brought him out to play, hoping I'd be able to sleep on the couch. I was really fooling myself with that one! I put down a bowl of food for him and Holly, but he only wanted Holly's food. Today was not a day she was willing to give it to him either. Then he had an accident on the carpet, despite the fact that he had just pee'd a river outside. After that he turned over his toybox and drug toys all over the living room. So, I just put both dogs out, hoping that he'll follow Holly around and get some of his energy out. He has started doing this the past couple days, where he is super hyper in the morning when I want to sleep and then crashes a couple hours later when I am ready to get things done. Is this a sign of what it's like to have a baby????? If so, fun times ahead!

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