Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Here!

We were hoping that if Preston was going to come early today would be the day. It would've been the ultimate birthday present for his Grandpa Bobby. But, he decided not to celebrate his birthday with his grandpa. I'm okay with him not being born yet, but I think it's funny that everyone else is so anxious for him to be born. Every day we get at least 3-4 phone calls or emails asking if he's been born yet. I'm not due for another 3 1/2 weeks, but the doctor says there's no way I'll make it that long. We are even on edge. I second guess every internal movement or cramp. Every time I call Rob or my mom they automatically ask if they need to go to the hospital. It's fun to guess when we think he will make his debut. What's your prediction for his arrival? ( Rob and I are now hoping for the 4th of July) I promise that the whole world will know when Robert Preston Herrington V is welcomed into this world!! Until then stay tuned......

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